တည္ျငိမ္ေအးခ်မ္းတဲ့ ရုံးပိုင္းဆိုင္ရာ အလုပ္မ်ိဳးကိုစိတ္ပါ၀င္စားသူမ်ာ းအတြက္ ျမန္မာနိုင္ငံ ၏ business တြင္ ေအာင္ျမင္မွုသရဖူေဆာင္းထားေသာ myanmar access မွေအာက္ပါ၀န္ထမ္းအျမန္အလိုရွိသည ္။
junior office assistant
- Compile, copy, sort and file records of office activities
-Operate office machines, such as photocopiers and scanners, facsimile machines and personal computer
-Monitor and order office/cleaning supplies
အေသးစိတ္ကိုေအာက္ပါလင့္တြင္ဖတ္ရ ူနိုင္ပါသည္။
http://jobseeker.com.mm/jobs/ junior-office-assistant-4/
တည္ျငိမ္ေအးခ်မ္းတဲ့ ရုံးပိုင္းဆိုင္ရာ အလုပ္မ်ိဳးကိုစိတ္ပါ၀င္စားသူမ်ာ းအတြက္ ျမန္မာနိုင္ငံ ၏ business တြင္ ေအာင္ျမင္မွုသရဖူေဆာင္းထားေသာ myanmar access မွေအာက္ပါ၀န္ထမ္းအျမန္အလိုရွိသည ္။
junior office assistant
- Compile, copy, sort and file records of office activities
-Operate office machines, such as photocopiers and scanners, facsimile machines and personal computer
-Monitor and order office/cleaning supplies
အေသးစိတ္ကိုေအာက္ပါလင့္တြင္ဖတ္ရ ူနိုင္ပါသည္။
http://jobseeker.com.mm/jobs/ junior-office-assistant-4/
junior office assistant
- Compile, copy, sort and file records of office activities
-Operate office machines, such as photocopiers and scanners, facsimile machines and personal computer
-Monitor and order office/cleaning supplies
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